


About Awake Now

The more we know Him, the more we will desire to know Him.

We’re made up of people of all ages, economic levels, and background who love Jesus and passionately want to encounter the presence of God. 

Thomas Merton

"Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy."



We believe

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In the finished work of the Cross.
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the joy of the glorious gospel.

Our Desire

Our desire is
to introduce people
to the real Jesus.

The Real Jesus

A lot of people know about Jesus but have yet to experience the life-changing power of His grace and truth.


Knowing Jesus has transformed our lives. Our heart is to introduce people to the real Jesus. We are a community of believers centred in Him.

the Missing Part

We can often feel like something is missing in our lives and try to fill the void with money, success, relationships, and more, but nothing in this world will satisfy us because we were made for a personal relationship with God.

the real deal

Like a puzzle with a missing piece, a meal without substance, or a scuba diver with an empty oxygen tank, our lives without Jesus are void of completion, significance, and life. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father except through me.” John 14:6

You were made
for relationship with God.

Our Calendar

We would love you
to join with us….

Our doors are always open... we meet in a cafe hub, you simply come as you are and relax on a sofa or sit on the floor. We have no agenda but to journey in life with you. It was never God’s heart for us to do this life alone!

What you'll learn

Come along to our get-togethers where you will learn about the goodness of God, your identity in Christ, hearing the voice of God, and how to thrive in life!