Heard of Jimmy Dart? If not you might be in for a bit of a surprise. Kris Vallotton interviews Jimmy who shares his story of finding Jesus and his journey of generosity through intentional acts of kindness.
Check out this bucket list adventure. Get ready for a big smile on your face!
Jeremy Riddle
Jeremy Riddle is a pastor, worship leader and songwriter. He carries a deep passion for God’s glory and His church. His heart burns to see purity restored. Originally from New Jersey, Jeremy was first introduced to contemporary worship as a twelve-year-old boy through YWAM (Youth With A Mission). They currently serve as the Worship, Prayer and Creativity Pastors where they are partnering to re-birth a regional and global worship and prayer movement focused on wholehearted devotion to the Lord. Jeremy and his wife Katie have five amazing children who they consider to be their greatest ministry assignment and legacy.